my new journey... to manila (version 2.65421545...kupong2x)

ups and downs of mylene... yup, my head and toe.

Monday, August 08, 2005

what a week it was whew!

a week ago, i was hopeless. i was thinking i didnt get the job from accenture but i did wahoo! *throws confetti* it was a blessing i got the job but when i get to the med exam part, everything didnt went smoothly. first,it got delayed complete it because im not allowed to take my urine exam if i still have my menstrual period, and on that day i was having a fever. they all wondered why my pulse rate went sky high (duh). second, im somewhere pasig and i have to spend that much just to go to makati, and went there 4 times -_-". third, took my exam twice, the first one in company's expense while the other one is mine for my cardio consultation (blame it to the fever!!!)-_-". lastly, i have to walk to rustan's to legaspi st. just to get to my location (check the map for reference and see how lonnnggggggg i walked that week... woe to my feet!)

im glad because its all worth it ^^

jaa mata ne~


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